Anyway, these are my favorite games of 2007. I'm also going to list a few that I really hated. Enjoy!
- Crackdown - This is the best superhero game ever released. The sad part is, there are no superheroes in it. Crackdown is my favorite game of the year and so far my favorite game on the console.
- Halo 3 - The beta, plus the final game, made this some of the most fun ever. New equipment, armor, vehicles, etc. I'm not a fan of the meta game, but I love the Forge. And being able to take videos and screenshots makes up for any shortcomings.
- Portal - I just finished Portal last night and I loved every minute of it. It may be short, but it's incredible. And the song at the end is just amazing. I can't get enough!
- Shadowrun - Despite all the criticism heaped on this game, I think it deserves to be listed among the best of 2007. It's supremely balanced. While there are only a limited number of maps, each feels different depending on the magic and weapons you choose. It's a shame we won't see any new content come out for it.
- Call of Duty 4 - I haven't finished the single player campaign yet, nor have I even started on the multiplayer. That being said, I can still say that this is the one game that can dethrone Halo 3 as the multiplayer game to beat on XBL. I played the beta and it was extremely addicting. My only worry is that when I do start leveling up in MP, I won't be able to stop.
- Stranglehold - I loved the demo. It made me buy the game. I loved the game. The only problem is that I don't think anybody else bought the game. And if they did, they sure aren't going online in the multiplayer. So sad.
- Bioshock - I really don't get all the hype and praise given to Bioshock. The demo was unimpressive. The game was just plain boring. The story (what I played of it) just doesn't make sense. I don't know why you would shove a needle in your arm 5 minutes after you survive a plane crash. I don't know why you have to hack things, only to make them cheaper. I don't know why you never have enough ammo or Eve. I don't know why there are Vita Chambers. I just don't get it.
- Space Giraffe - Is this really a game or a bad acid trip? I've played better screensavers.
- Fusion Frenzy 2 - Can you not record any extra dialog for the host? He's the only one talking. Book an extra day or two and bang out some extra phrases. Painful.
- Puzzle Quest - It's just fucking Bejeweled!!!
- The Darkness - What a joke. Biggest disappointment of the year. The cut scenes were atrocious, the story was filled with a bunch of mob stereotypes, and the Darkness powers were beyond lame.