Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our Stray

stray pup
Originally uploaded by Gemini Ace
We've been seeing a stray dog around the apartments lately. I first saw him last Friday. He's really skinny and skittish. We've been trying to coax him to come to us by leaving food and treats. I'm hoping we can catch him and take him to the Humane Society. I'm worried that if the regular dog catcher catches him, they'll end up putting him to sleep instead of finding him a home.

It's obvious he's been abused because he won't come near us. The picture shows how much distance he's putting between us. And if we move towards him, he moves away.

We are trying to show him that we're not going to hurt him, but it will take time. I'm just worried we don't have a lot of time before someone catches him.

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