Monday, October 20, 2008

Tipping The Stripper

I got to spend some time with my beloved Rock Band 2 this weekend, as well as Duke Nukem 3D. I have to thank the guys over at for hooking me up with a code to download it. I wouldn't have paid for it, both because I don't have the points and because I'm still not buying XBLA games. Not sure if using a code goes against my boycott, but I think it's ok. ;-)

I made a little progress in Rock Band 2. I had to play that goddamn Tangled Up In Blue song by Bob Dylan. WTF is that doing in RB2?!

The Nirvana track pack is coming this week. I have 300 space points to spend on tracks, so that's almost 2 tracks worth! As long as I've been bitching about when these songs are coming, now I can't vote with my wallet and buy them all. I will when I get some points. Probably for Christmas.

We are starting our diet this week. I think we will do well. I'm going to the doctor this afternoon for a check up, so I will know my exact weight and where I'm starting.

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