I took a couple days off from my last post because I didn't really have much to say. Well, that's not exactly true. I typed up a little something yesterday about some political stuff, but decided to just leave it unpublished. I'm going to get back to funny Gemini, not asshole Gemini. Although some would say that funny Gemini is a myth, much like the female g-spot. And you know what? That hurts a little.
We worked at Kohl's last night. I came across a sweet Gears of War hat. I think I'm gonna get it.
We have a new girl up there lately. She is an interesting chick. And I use the term chick loosely. Seriously, I'm not a fashionista. My idea of hot apparel is basketball shorts and a t-shirt with Spider-Man on it. But, some people just have zero ability to dress themselves in any sort of style that relates to their gender or age.
Basically, the two times she's worked, she's worn men's jeans and a t-shirt with a wolf or tiger on it. Very 50-year old lesbian-ish. I mean, to own those type of shirts you either have to be in like 6th grade or in a committed, sexless relationship with a jean-shorts wearing lesbian. There's not really any middle ground there.
The funny thing is, she had moved away with this guy she was in love with. That begs the question, what does this guy look like?! I mean, you have to be a pretty dorky guy to look at the giant tiger t-shirt and Levi's and go, "I'd hit it".
But, I don't mean to be a hater. Some people just don't know. Anybody that looks at me probably thinks the same thing.
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