Monday, March 29, 2010

Four Years Of Podcasting

This may seem a little silly to everyone else, but it's a really cool thing to me. Four years ago Alana and I started podcasting with Animal Crossing Friends episode 1. A lot has happened in that time, believe me, and it's been great to have this constant connection with my sister all the while. I really feel like doing the podcast has helped us remain close since we've been adults. It's a fun thing we share, and something I cherish. Whether we get together once a month or once a week, it's always great to get on the mic and do what we do best. Make each other laugh.

Yea, I think getting older is making me more sentimental. What, you wanna fight about it!?


Dominica said...

AWWWWW! Rane has a soft spot. :)

Unknown said...

Is that why you stopped coming over, and then you post this sappy blog? Mixed signals! :cry: Happy podcastiversary!