Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Red Steel

I played Red Steel for a couple hours last night. I really like the action so far. It feels like you're in a John Woo movie at times, which I like. Replacement Killers FTW!

The cutscenes are pretty craptacular. Reminds me of the scenes in X-Men 3:The Official Game. The worst part is, you can't skip them! I understand that they are trying to tell a story, but I don't care. I just want to shoot some bad guys!

I want to try the multiplayer out before I send it back. Maybe the wife will jump in with me for some deathmatch.

In 360 news, I'm still waiting for my console to be repaired and sent back. It's been 2 weeks. 17 days since I've been on Xbox Live.

It really sounds like there's a bigger problem than Microsoft will admit to.

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