Monday, November 19, 2007

Halo 3 Is Hard!

KBB7769 and I played some team doubles again tonight and had our asses handed to us in each match we played. Granted, we should probably choose social games if we just want to have fun, but still.

When we get matched up with a team with matching symbols, we know we're going to get owned. And it's not like we don't have good teamwork. It's just they seem to be able to kill us with so much more efficiency.

And then the trashtalk afterward is always just the most vile thing you can think to say to another human being. It's always about their mother or their asshole or something violating their mother's asshole. And that's just what I say!

Bungie did announce that there will be 3 new maps available in December for the price of 800 Microsoft points. Now considering I paid 800 points for the Gears of War maps and only played them once, I'm probably going to buy these. That being said, it seems like their pulling an EA here. The maps weren't ready for the launch? Even if they were going to be a little late, why are we being charged? And where are the remakes of the classics?

I'm just not a fan of paying for stuff that should have been on the disc. But, I am guilty of paying for said items in the past, so am I not part of the problem?

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