Thursday, October 30, 2008

Red Ring Of Death

Red ring of death
Originally uploaded by Gemini Ace
I get home yesterday and have the house all to myself, so you know what that means. No, not porn and kleenex. Games!

I borrowed a few games from Alana and figured I would start slogging through them. Plus, I like the juxtaposition of playing a game like Jumper while everyone else is playing Fallout 3 or Fable 2. Gives me a couple of lulz, which is what I generally go for.

Anyway, I threw in Jumper and it froze at the title screen. When I restarted my 360, it gave me the Red Ring of Death. I, of course, said "shit". I tried restarting again and the same thing. So, I popped the disc out and my 360 booted just fine.

So, I decided to try Hellboy. Well, I got past the title screen, but not by much. I didn't get a red ring when I restarted, so I figured I would try a game that I knew worked. I spun up Halo 3 and it worked fine in matchmaking. I was shooting somebody in Cold Storage when it froze on me. Not good.

I guess my only option is to get it to red ring consistently so I can call Xbox support and get it replaced. The three year warranty is almost up, so I'm going to have to get it done quick. Otherwise I may be S.O.L. for a while.

At least I have my beloved PS3. Oh, and my Wii.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, I'm so sorry. I've had my 360 for about a year and a half, and no RRoD for me! :D